Feb 12, 2018

Austin Journal of Surgery

Focal Nodular Hepatic Steatosis: CT and US Guided Biopsy Findings Correlating with Surgical Histopathology

Abstract: Focal hepatic steatosis is uncommon. We report a case in a 55-year-old African American female found to have a multiple liver lesions on CT scan confirmed on histopathology from ultrasound-guided biopsy and surgical specimens...

Feb 09, 2018

Austin Critical Care Journal

Admissions and Re-Admissions in an Intensive Care Unit for Patients Aged 65 and Older: A Registry Study

Abstract: Introduction: Approximately half of the patients who receive intensive care in Sweden are 65 years or older. Previous research has found that older patients receive less treatment with worse outcomes than their younger counterparts...

Feb 09, 2018

Austin Journal of Analytical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Development and Validation of RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Montelukast and Rupatadine in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form

Abstract: The aim of the present study was the development and validation of a simple, precise, and specific RP-HPLC method for assay of Montelukast (MNT) and Rupatadine (RPT) in tablet dosage forms. The separation was achieved...

Feb 09, 2018

Austin Journal of Analytical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Development of Stability Indicating Assay Method for Estimation of Nebivolol and Hydrochlorothiazide in Tablet Dosage Form

Abstract: A stability indicating HPLC method was developed and validated for analysis of Nebivolol (NBV) and Hydrochlorothiazide (HCZ) in combination from tablet dosage forms and estimation of principal degradation products. The separation...

Feb 09, 2018

Clinics in Oncology Research

Critically Ill Cancer Patients: A Current Perspective

Abstract: Patients living with cancer have been increasing because progresses in the treatment of malignancies [1]. Many of these patients require admission to intensive care unit (ICU) due to cancer-related...

Feb 09, 2018

Austin Journal of Biotechnology & Bioengineering

Development of a Nerve Regeneration Electrode and its Application to the Rat Vagus

Abstract: Appling a silicon semiconductor process, we developed a nerve regenerationtype electrode for application to the rat vagus nerve. The diaphragm of the electrode was 12 μm thick and perforated with 30 to 81 through holes...

Feb 09, 2018

Austin Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia

A Comparative Evaluation of C-MAC Video Laryngoscope and King Vision Video Laryngoscope in Patients Undergoing Tracheal Intubation with Cervical Spine Immobilization: A Prospective Randomized Study

Abstract: Background and Aims: Many video laryngoscopes have been invented to aid intubation in anticipated and unanticipated difficult airways. In this study we aimed to compare C-MAC VL with King Vision VL in normal patients with...

Feb 09, 2018

Austin Journal of Surgery

Group Milleri Streptococci in Surgical Patients: A Review of 367 Patients from a Single Center

Abstract: Background: Group Milleri streptococci (GMS) also known as Group anginosus streptococci comprise a heterogeneous subgroup of Gram-positive cocci, which are capable to cause severe purulent infections and abscesses...

Feb 09, 2018

Austin Journal of Surgery

Fecal Carcinogenesis

Abstract: Looking at the incidence of colorectal carcinoma in various parts of the lower gastrointestinal tract, one notes that the area's most affected are the rectum, sigmoid colon and cecum with decreasing...

Feb 08, 2018

Austin Critical Care Journal

Dengue Associated Multiple Organ Failure

Abstract: Dengue is a disease caused by an arbovirus, which has four related virus serotypes and is currently the most important mosquito borne viral pathogen affecting humans, emerging as a major threat to global health...

Feb 08, 2018

Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders

A New Type of Radiographic Template for Presurgical Radiographic Examination in Implant Restorations

Abstract: Various radiopaque materials have been used as radiopaque markers for radiographic templates. A new type of diagnostic template is presented in this article that allows radiographic imaging of the intended implant axis and...

Feb 08, 2018

Austin Journal of Orthopedics & Rheumatology

Symptomatic Soft-Tissue Mass in the Intercondylar Notch: A Case Report

Abstract: Intra-articular soft tissue masses in the knee joint are quite rare and mostly incidental findings on magnetic resonance imaging and/or arthroscopy. However, when they become enlarged, they can cause mechanical symptoms...

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