Feb 26, 2018

Austin Journal of Clinical Pathology

Ochronosis; Toracal and Lumbar Disc Herniation

Abstract: Alkaptonuria is a rare inherited autosomal recessive disorder. Incidence is as low as % 0,001. Absence of homogentisic acid oxidase induction causes an increase in HGA accumulation in the body...

Feb 26, 2018

Austin Journal of Surgery

Intractable Hiccups Caused by Large Pulmonary Bullae Compressing the Phrenic Nerve

Abstract: A 41-year-old woman had persistent and frequent hiccups for more than 1 year despite medical treatment. She denied any traumatic events. Serial studies including upper gastrointestinal pan endoscopy...

Feb 26, 2018

Austin Journal of Surgery

Clinical Follow-Up Study for Sphera Duo® Hydrocephalus Shunt

Abstract: Cerebral hydrodynamics complications in shunted patients are due to malfunction of the system. The objective of this retrospective, single-center, single-arm cohort study is to confirm safety and performance of Sphera® Duo...

Feb 26, 2018

Austin Journal of Surgery

Lethal Surgical Outcome of a Large Pulmonary AVM with Severe Right to Left Shunt

Abstract: Between October, 2001 and January, 2007, three female patients underwent lung resection for pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM). The last two patients both with pulmonary AVM in right middle lobe were uneventful after...

Feb 23, 2018

Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders

Limited Evidence for Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Immediate Versus Delayed Implant Placement Supporting Full-Arch Fixed Prostheses

Abstract: Background: With the increased demands for esthetics in implant dentistry, immediate implant placement has become popular...

Feb 23, 2018

Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders

Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (PCT)

Abstract: Porphyria is caused by deficiency in enzyme causing heme synthesis. A case of Porphyria cutaneatarda with hyper pigmentation, fragile oral mucosa, restricted mouth opening and a painful tooth which required treatment is presented here...

Feb 23, 2018

Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders

Oral Tuberculosis Mimicking Denture Sore

Abstract: A 66 -year -old male patient visited our department due to unhealed ulceration in the upper lip mucosal area. The patient was wearing a full denture in the maxilla for 10 years and the maxillary...

Feb 23, 2018

Austin Neurology

Acquired Sturge Weber Syndrome due to Methotrexate Induced Folic Acid Deficiency in an Adult Patient

Abstract: We present a 64 year old female patient with blurred vision, impaired visual field and episodes of migraine aura like optical illusions. MRI of the brain showed bi-occipital calcification, similar to Sturge-Weber Syndrome (SWS)...

Feb 23, 2018

Austin Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

Famtastically Fit: The Effect of a Family Intervention on Body Composition, and Child Fitness

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this intervention was to assess the effectiveness of a family-based fitness intervention on changes in physical activity, body composition, and child fitness status...

Feb 23, 2018

Clinics in Oncology Research

Risk Factors for Invasive Mechanical Ventilation in Cancer Patients

Abstract: Classically, admission in intensive care units (ICUs) has been restricted for cancer patients [1]. However, acceptance of this type of patients has increased in the latest years [2], at least in part because of the expansion of oncological ICU in specialized hospitals...

Feb 23, 2018

Austin Tuberculosis: Research & Treatment

Nontuberculous Mycobacteria in Critical Care

Abstract: In critically ill patients infections is a common problem and their management is difficult because of some reasons such as delayed diagnosis, difficulties in recognizing causative microorganisms, and antibiotic-resistant strains...

Feb 23, 2018

Austin Journal of Nursing & Health Care

Assessment of Hospital Housekeepers about Prevention of Blood Borne Diseases in Public Hospitals - Khartoum State 2016

Abstract: Background: Hospital housekeepers are persons employed by hospital to manage sanitary works, by virtue of their job, can get blood borne diseases from patient's fomite, contaminated environment, patient's specimens, and by handling infected waste either by direct or indirect contact...

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