Feb 22, 2018

Austin Internal Medicine

Low CHA2DS2-Vasc Score with High Risk of Stroke

Abstract: A 55-year-old man with symptomatic drug-refractory paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation (AF) was arranged to receive catheter ablation of AF. The CHA2DS2-VASc score is zero and no anticoagulant was...

Feb 22, 2018

Austin Journal of Surgery

Underestimated and Unappreciated PSI

Abstract: Over the last decade or so, the demand for so-called quick-fix treatments such as Botulinum toxin injections has continued to increase exponentially, on a par with the demand of cosmetic procedures...

Feb 22, 2018

Austin Journal of Surgery

A Review of the Management of the Common Acute Biliary Presentations

Abstract: Conditions of the biliary tree are frequently encountered on surgical wards and in surgical outpatients. The spectrum of biliary diseases is broad and ranges from mild biliary colic that can be treated on outpatient basis...

Feb 22, 2018

Austin Journal of Surgery

Peripheral Desmoplastic Ameloblastoma: Report of an Extremely Rare Presentation and a Literature Review

Abstract: Thedesmoplastic variant of Peripheral Ameloblastomais an extremely rareform of Ameloblastoma. There are only five reported cases of Peripheral Desmoplastic Ameloblastoma (PDA) in the English literatue...

Feb 22, 2018

Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders

Additional Mechanical Retention for Maryland Bridges - A Case Report

Abstract: Statement of the Problem: There is often a need to obtain more mechanical retention of abutments that support a Maryland bridge...

Feb 22, 2018

Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders

Simple Templates for Predictable, Minimally Invasive Axial Walls Preparation

Abstract: Statement of the Problem: There is often a problem to make parallel preparation of multiple abutments...

Feb 21, 2018

Austin Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

Waist Circumference as a Predictor Metabolic Syndrome among Rural Women, Minia, Egypt

Abstract: Objectives: To assess burden and determinants of Metabolic Syndrome among rural females...

Feb 21, 2018

Austin Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

Work-Related and Non-Work Related Lead Poisoning Among Adults in Florida

Abstract: Objective: The aim of this study is to know if adults with lead poisoning (blood lead level =10µg/dL) due to their exposure to lead at their work place will have higher concentration of blood lead level compare to those with lead poisoning who are not exposed to lead due to their job...

Feb 21, 2018

Austin Andrology

Infertility: What is our Direction?

Abstract: In the last few decades, the number of patients with infertility, mostly male, has extremely increased. The infertile population, however, spread equally between men and women...

Feb 21, 2018

Austin Journal of Clinical Pathology

Ascorbic Acid, Still Controversial in using Against Cancer Resistance?

Abstract: Ascorbic acid is a known strong antioxidant and is evident to exert a prooxidative effect of high concentration/dose. Therefore, it can be used not only as a protective agent, but also as an adjuvant or direct cytotoxic agent...

Feb 21, 2018

Austin Journal of Biotechnology & Bioengineering

Azo Dye Removal Technologies

Abstract: The implementation of such large amounts of effluent wastewater containing industrial textile coloring agents in the rest of the ecosystem to deteriorate water quality, through the generation of pollution, eutrophication, and disruption of...

Feb 21, 2018

Austin Journal of Business Administration and Management

Thoughts and Opinions on Demonetization of A Currency and GST, How It Impacts the Individuals of the Country

Abstract: How many follow the business world news daily? I am sure majority of us do. Last year on November 8, 2016, Demonetization of Indian Currency took place and created difficulty for common man...

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