(Volume 11 Issue 1 & 2)

Research Article

Evaluating the Interrelationship between Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: A Clinical Pilot Study

Authors: Elemi Pavlidou; Aristeidis Fasoulas; Dimitrios Petridis; Christina Tryfonos; Constantinos Giaginis*


Special Article: Peptides and Proteins

Zinnia Flower Growth and Development Concerning Various Growing Media under Agroclimatic Conditions of Uthal, Lasbela

Authors: Aziz ur Rehamn; Muhammad Abuzar Jaffar; Noor Muhammad*; Ghulam Khaliq; Abid Ramzan; Aadil Hameed


Special Article: Food Characterization

Physical, Nutritional, and Chemical Profile of Innovative Bakery Products

Authors: Pascoalino LA; Ayuso M; Pereira E*; Ferreira E; Ferreira ICFR; Barros L


Special Article: Plant Nutrition

Elaboration of “Cacho De Cabra” Chilli Snacks (Capsicum annum L.) with Tomatoe Formulations and Tomatoe- Oregano Formulations

Authors: Nelson Loyola Lopez*; Francisca Ibarra Rubio; Carlos Acuña Carrasco; Mariela Arriola Herrera


Special Article: Psychological Disorders

Carnauba Wax Applied to the Shell Surface of Chicken Eggs Improved the Shelf Life and Internal Quality of the Eggs

Authors: Piazentin MO; Mangili ELM; Correia DC; Martins EH; Nobre JAS; Córdoba GMC; Veríssimo CJ; Katiki LM; Rodrigues L*


Published Manuscripts

Impact Factor: 2.8


 About the Journal  

Austin Journal of Nutrition and Food sciences is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles in all areas of nutrition and food sciences.

The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for dietitians, researchers, physicians, and other health professionals to find most recent advances in the areas of clinical nutrition and nutritional disorders

Featured Article

Food Patterns, Diabetes and Overweight/Obesity and Some Socio-Economic Indicators in the Italy Regions

Abstract Background: There were over 3.5 million cases of diabetes in Italy in 2015. Research has provided a better understanding of the role of dietary patterns and their relation with socio-economic conditions and non-communicable diseases.

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