ISSN: 2375-7965
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Manuscript Submission
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Austin Publishing Group
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Irving Tx 75039, USA
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Published Manuscripts
Case Report
Carli G, Ferrarini I, Guardalben E, Bonifacio M, Meneghini V, Visco C and Ambrosetti A
Special Article - Multiple Myeloma
Pauff JM, Ayres KL, Sochacki AL, Morgan D, Strother MK, Goemann M and Warner JL
Special Article - Hematology
Kasi Loknath Kumar A, Mathur SC and Kambhampati S
Special Article - Hematology
G Choi, S Snijder and S S Zeerleder
Clinical Image
Derdabi S, Rozen L, Drowart A, Efira A and Demulder A
Case Report
Choi G, van den Broek EC, Stam OCG, van Noesel CJM, Tonino SH and Kater AP
Special Article - Clinical Cases and Images
Shi J, Yellu M and Medlin SC
Special Article - Multiple Myeloma
Manoj K Pandey, Shantu G Amin, Maurizio Zangari and Giampaolo Talamo
Impact Factor: 2.8
Scope of the Journal
- Anatomical Pathology
- Anemias
- Anti-Cancer Chemotherapy
- Anticoagulation Therapy
- Blood
- Blood Bank
- Blood Donors
- Blood Groups
- Blood Plasma
- Blood Tests
- Blood Transfusion