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ISSN: 2378-9867

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Published Manuscripts

Research Article
Yang Mingyue*; Wang Jue1; Liu Enlin; Zhang Shuxin; Wang Gaoyuan; Yang Shufang
Research Article
Jarju ML*, Mendy A, Sanneh ML, Singhateh A, Kijera M, Saho N, Jah FO, Jallow K, Ceesay M, Jagne S, Baldeh I and Sanneh B*
Research Article
Mak KM
Research Article
Sultana GNN, Begum R, Akhter H, Shamim Z, Rahim MA and Chubey G
Case Report
Xingyong Chen, Xu Zhang, Xiaosong Wang, Huixin Lei and Yinzhou Wang
Case Report
Zvonimir Zore and Mladen Stanec
Carlo Lajolo
Mini Review
Astha Ranjan, Gagandeep Kaur Walia and Vipin Gupta
Special Article - Molecular Biomarkers
Julie Chao, Grant Bledsoe and Lee Chao
Research Article
Weinreich MA and Ephrem G
Case Report
Niu S and Peng Y
Review Article
Michal Kukla, Marek Waluga and Edward Surma
Review Article
M Massidda, S Toselli and CM Calo
Review Article
Pablo Letelier and Ismael Riquelme
Zehra Pinar Koc
Review Article
Ki M Mak, Priya Sehgal and Cynthia K Harris
Souleymane Doucoure
Research Article
Gazi Nurun Nahar Sultana, ADA Shahinuzzaman, Rokeya Begum, Iffat Jahan and M Mizanur Rahman
Andreas Menke
Mini Review
Drozdstoy St Stoyanov and Sevdalina Kandilarova
Carola Krause
Abhishek Singh Nayyar
Mini Review
Tatsuaki Tsuruyama, Yu Kakimoto and Yuka Yajima
Aydin Sav
Research Article
Nakagawa H and Hiura A
Review Article
Ke-Sheng Wang, Daniel Owusu, Yue Pan and Chun Xu
Zhe Yang and Chunying Li

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Published Manuscripts

Scope of the Journal

  • Bioindicator
  • Biomarker Discovery
  • Biomarkers
  • Molecular Marker
  • Saliva Testing
  • Endophenotype
  • Biomarkers in Medicine
  • Biomarkers in Cell Biology
  • Biomarkers in Geology and Astrobiology
  • Biomarkers in Ecotoxicology
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