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ISSN: 2573-5314

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Published Manuscripts

Research Article
Rea A*; Deere K; Adams Z; Barr L; Salenger R
Case Series
Fasih Ali Ahmed; Malaak Saadah; Hanna Kakish; Luke Rothermel; Richard Hoehn; John Ammori*
Case Series
Benakrout A*; Doghmi N; Jaafari A; Bensghir N; Balkhi H; Abouelalaa K
George Alex, MBBS, MRCS, Ed MCh*
Case Report
Radouane Irrou*; Hicham Nassik
Case Report
Irrou R; Elouardi Y; Nassik H
Case Series
Hendrik C Roos, MD*; Mazizi Njokweni; Themba Donovan; Tebogo Pamela Sedibe, RN
Research Article
Arvind Kumar*; Kanchan Sharma; Jojo James
Rapid Communication
Nakamura Y*, Fujita N, Yamaguchi A and Takahashi O
Case Report
Philip S*, Mathai AS, Mathew T and Finny P
Rapid Communication
Jimenez-Aguilar Rosalinda*, Lozada-Mata MP, Gutierrez-Tenorio W, Yanez AYG and Duenas E
Case Report
Zaizi A*, Badaoui R, Oussama A, Boukhris J, Chafry B, Benchebba D and Boussouga M
Clinical Image
Yalcin EK, Villiers PD, Wierup P and Alfirevic A*
Systematic Review
Xiang B, Zhang Q, Wang C, Lou X, Zhang M, Huang Y and Zhi M*
Case Report
Cheng KY and Chen HC*
Case Report
Kessab A*, EL Bahri A, Azakhmam M, Essaoudi MA, Ameur A, Oukabli M
Case Report
Kukeev I*, Replyansky I, Czeiger D and Atias S
Case Report
Abboud B*, Honein K, Abboud C, Aidibi A, Yared F and Ghorra C
Research Article
Scheuerlein H* and Eisold C
Case Report
Asati S*, Kundnani VG, Sagane SS, Jain S and Raut S
Review Article
Anas Rashid*
Clinical Image
Mohamed I Aziz A* and Mohamed M Farag
Case Report
Rai S* and Narru N
Research Article
Feng S, Lou Y, Wang A and Liu W*
Case Report
Kanodia A, Sakthivel P*, Singh CA, Rao NN, Nayak N and Sharma SC
Case Report
Arno M Wiersema*, Jur K Kievit and Michel MPJ Reijnen
Case Report
Gunduz FK, Ozturk B, Atik A and Altun E*
Special Article - Bariatric Surgery
Parmar C*, Pereira B, Indrielle-Kelly T and Sufi P
Charles E. Bagwell*
Case Report
Sun B, Zhao B, Yu Y, Liu K and Zhang W*
Research Article
Shahzad N*, Zafar H, Ur Rehman Z and Pardhan A
Research Article
Gala T, Tufail R, Murtaza G, Shahzad N, Shaikh F and Zafar H*
Research Article
Thompson MJ*, Clinger BN, Simonds RM, Kobulnicky K, Sima AP and Boardman ND
Special Article - General Surgery
Al Ani AH*, AlBadra MYR, Al Kaisy S, Abdulmoneim H, Abdulhakim H, Al jowher Z, Ahmed EE and Al Khalid G
Research Article
Gala T, Shahzad N, Mathur P and Zafar H*
Special Article - Bariatric Surgery
Choucair J*, Haddad E, Joukhadar C, Chehata N, Saliba G, Kaafarani A and Nasnas R
Case Report
Nakanishi K*, Tambara K and Saito Y
Special Article - Bariatric Surgery
Frattini F*, Lavazza M, Delpini R, Rausei S and Dionigi G
Special Article - Ocular Surgery
Reinprayoon U*, Bhoopat T and Kasetsuwan NG
Short Communication
Jalalian A*
Mini Review
van der Kolk M, van Laarhoven C and van den Boogaard M
Review Article
Grome L, Sears S, Warner R and Mason A
Research Article
Aronova A, Finnerty BM, Moore M, Afaneh C, Turkmany K, Ciecierega T, Crawford C, Fahey TJ and Zarnegar R
Case Presentation
Gomez-Castaneda J, Perez-Ortiz C, Gomez-Castaneda JR, Garcia-Trejo BA, Ochoa MC and Ramirez-Leyva DH
Research Article
Martinez-Avena AE, Martinez-Mercado OF, Reyes-Ibarra LA, Manzo-Banales HM, Ramirez-Leyva DH, Ochoa MC and Veyna-Rocha SB
Research Article
Karamarkovic A, Bracanovic M, Bajec A, Bumbaširevic V, Jovanovic B and Vujadinovic ST
Case Presentation
Natraj Setty HS, kumar V, Raghu TR, Kharge J, Geetha BK, Patil SS, Jadhav SK and Manjunath CN
Case Presentation
Pastore AL, Palleschi G, Fuschi A, Velotti G, Leto A, Yazan A Salhi Y, Porta N, Petrozza V and Carbone A
Special Article - Abdominal Surgery
Garcia-Segui A, Ortiz-Gorraiz M, Soler-López C and Costa MA
Research Article
Cheaito A, Tillou A, Lewis C and Cryer H
Research Article
Kumar P, Meena RN, Sheikh BA, Belliappa V and Pais AV
Short Communication
Gomes DL
Special Article - Autopsy
Skelley BH
Research Article
Andres RD and Huseynova K
Research Article
Altun G, Hemsinli D, Pulathan Z, Ozdemir AC, Mutlu H and Civelek A
Case Presentation
Balci B, Cetindag O, Demir HB, Yardim S, Calik B and Akbulut G
Case Presentation
Bogdasarian RN, Fientisch AM, Langer PD and Datiashvili RO
Research Article
Herrera R, Martinez-Mir I, García E, Oltra D and Morales-Olivas FJ
Case Report
Yahya AI*, Ehteweish M and Endash S
Case Report
Navarrete A, Espinoza S, Jimenez-Toscano M, Momblan D, Delgado S, Ibarzabal A and Lacy AM
Research Article
Piffaretti G, Tarallo A, Franchin M, Bacuzzi A, Rivolta N, Ferrario M, Castelli P and Tozzi M
Resanovic A, Resanovic V, Karamarkovic A, Krstic S, Djordjevic M and Zdravkovic D
Research Article
Lemaire A, Batsides G, Saadat S, Ghaly A, Nishimura T, Volk L, Spotnitz A and Lee LY

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Published Manuscripts

Impact Factor: 1.9

Scope of the Journal

  • Craniofacial Prostheses
  • Somatic Prostheses
  • Clinical Anaplastology
  • Orofacial Pain
  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Burn Care
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